Adept in the computer science pathway and a member of FBLA, TSA and HOSA, Ken integrates creativity and collaborative skills when solving real-world problems to make a lasting impact. He specializes in computer science and is always looking at things from a new perspective.
A dedicated student who takes classes in the engineering and biomedical pathway to have more knowledge of the overall STEM fields, Jennifer always applies herself to anything she works on. She is an active member in FBLA, TSA, HOSA, Roboboat, Key Club, and VSA, advancing to state in both FBLA and HOSA.
Motivated by the challenge that computer science presents, she is always trying to innovate new ways to solve problems. Involved in FBLA, TSA, HOSA, Key Club, and VSA, she strives to be a model member of her community and do anything to help others.
Through various social organizations such FBLA, TSA, HOSA, and Robotics Yuli strives to learn and help others through her passions. She is in the engineering pathway but also has a knack for writing.
This website was coded in HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript. It is hosted on GitHub pages and all of the code can be found in our GitHub repository. A list of all of the technologies we used is below.
Though not required by their licenses, we thought we’d include the sources for the stock images used in the development of this site.